Post Modern Art and the Rise of the Digital Age
Postmodern art is one of the biggest artistic revolutions we've seen to date. With a history heavily rooted in questioning authority and the traditional roles put on society, it exploded into countless homes, reaching people it may have never influenced before. How many of you have listened to music? Watched a movie? Played a video game? All of these things are art, and an amazing example of how it has expanded beyond sculpture and painting. (Kljaich) In specific, one of the most interesting changes is the use of technology within artwork. These changes have been very controversial, with many arguing that art has fully devolved, as anyone can now create it. (Gever) I'm sure anyone reading this has heard the drama surrounding these art forms. Whether it be the demonization of video games, or the mockery of creative artistic expression, there is most certainly a lower respect for artists. Today I will be examining video games, 3-D printing, and digitall...