Post Impressionism VS Art Nouveau
Post Impressionism Post-Impressionism focused on a more stable line work then impressionism, and was heavily subject to artistic impression. Importantly, color was used to invoke certain feelings from the audience, and spark emotions. Essentially, the representation of the subject matter was clear, but the colors used took on a surreal feeling, that was subject to artistic whim. I'm not a big fan of this art style. I find it very jarring to look at, and dislike the strange combinations of color, when applied to the realistic subject matter. I also find it very difficult to connect with what the artist intended, because I don't have a good grasp on colors and what emotions they're intended to provoke. Because of how I process stimulus, these paintings make little sense to me and just seem unattractive. This use of color to grant a glimpse into the artists perspective falls short on me, so I don't particularly enjoy it , although I do have an appreciation for the historic...